transparent concrete

Research and development of plastic optical fiber based smart transparent concrete‏ Smart Sensor Phenomena, Technology, Networks, and Systems 2009 7293, 72930F, 2009‏ Energy saving and safety evaluation are two key issues for infrastructure. In this paper, the development of a novel smart  transparent concrete using plastic optical fiber (POF) and Fiber  Bragg Grating (FBG) is discussed, along with its transparent and smart sensing properties. The experimental results show that an optical fiber can be easily combined with concrete and that the POF could provide a steady light transmitting ratio. Moreover, the FBG can be used as a sensing element for strain and temperature. This paper...

تنسيق الوان

برتقالي مع اسود البنك مع الموف البرتقالي مع الجنزاري  الاخضر مع البنك مع الصفر البني مع البنك ...

تصميم رقيق

تصميم رقيق قمة في الإبداع  ...

design of flat slab with example

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); design of flat slab with example AT%20SLAB.pd...

افكار لدهانات الحوائط بسيطة ورائعة

افكار بسيطة و جميلة لدهانات الحوائط افكار دهانات الحوائط  ...

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