Kansai International Airport the first airport in the ocean - Osaka Bay, Japan
Name: Kansai International AirportOpening: 1994.Location: Osaka Bay, JapanPrivileges: The first airport established in the ocean on the artificial island.The amount of soil that was buried by the artificial island is sufficient to cover the state of Connecticut and the U.S..Kansai International Airport Hua first of its kind in the world that is built on an artificial island in Osaka BayLocated about five kilometers from the shore, the first airport in Japan was designed to be ready for service 24 hours in the first phase of the master plan for the airportWas created on an area of 511 hectares and contains one runway of 3,500 meters and a width of 60 mMaximum capacity it is estimated the 160,000 takeoffs and landings per year in the final stage that has not been initiated so far
Name: Kansai International AirportOpening: 1994.Location: Osaka Bay, JapanPrivileges: The first airport established in the ocean on the artificial island.The amount of soil that was buried by the artificial island is sufficient to cover the state of Connecticut and the U.S..Kansai International Airport Hua first of its kind in the world that is built on an artificial island in Osaka BayLocated about five kilometers from the shore, the first airport in Japan was designed to be ready for service 24 hours in the first phase of the master plan for the airportWas created on an area of 511 hectares and contains one runway of 3,500 meters and a width of 60 mMaximum capacity it is estimated the 160,000 takeoffs and landings per year in the final stage that has not been initiated so far

Will be expanded to include an area of 1,300 hectares of additional Bmahbtin which will lead to increased take-off and landing operation to 300,000 takeoffs and landings per yearOf the most important features of the airport that is transferred between the domestic and international flights by simply moving escalators or elevator to reduce the travel time for passengers of internationalIn addition, the airport has a hotel with 576 room international post office, generator, power station provides air conditioning,Center for treatment of wastewater and drainage station, all located on the island airport, bringing the city airport stand-aloneReach the airport by land bridge (Heaven's Gate), built this bridge, 3.75 miles long two-storey highway with a six-lane on the upper surfaceRailway and a double in the basement and the lower entry to the airport from the sea are also available through the fast boats.
Island airport Angasalengh Civil Grand
Was the most intimidating part in the project area of Hua create a 511 hectare island in the ocean in the Osaki Bay where the water depth of 18 mAnd Maittalbh of the tremendous efforts of the civil engineering and testing and analysis on soil found in the ocean where to create the islandAnd the processing of soft soil in the bottom has quarries on the island of Awaji in the state and Akima provide backfill for this projectWhere he took 40% of the island to the landfill where the landfill process continued from April 1987 to December 1992Where transport to the island to complete the process of reclamation by the words of a large capacity where the discharge of those phrasesUsing the idea of repression, where is the dump specified within the dam of the island and is controlled in the process of reclamation and filling by the computerWhich accurately determines the location of reclamation and disposal of the process of repetition in the landfill in the same placeAfter completion of the reclamation process summarizes the challenge in the establishment of the terminal building where they were put 360,000 tons of ironPlace under the main building to increase the strengthening of the basis and ground-based process took six months for pouring concrete for the terminal buildingIn order to control the decline in the soil of the island, which was different from one point to another on the island, so that the island as a landingThe results they will fall 8 meters during the fifty years but the decline was by 11 meters in fifty yearsThis led to a great challenge for engineers because the island is sinking faster than expected
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